Headache Harmony: Physiotherapy Solutions for Pain Relief

At some point in our lives, everyone has experienced a headache. It affects our ability to function; impairing our ability to work, concentrate, and can affect our mood. Headaches can be labelled as migraines, tension type headaches, or cervicogenic headaches which originate in the neck. During any type of headache, the neck may have symptoms of pain or tightness, in some cases such as cervicogenic headaches, it may be the underlying cause of headaches. Physiotherapy treatment may help improve symptoms of neck pain associated with headaches and in some cases improve acute headache symptoms.

The head and neck are important in maintaining feelings of balance for the head and the rest of the body. Often with migraines, headaches or neck pain we lose this sense of balance leading to feelings of vertigo and nausea. Additionally there may be separate conditions that may lead to these feelings of nausea, vertigo and a loss of balance. Impaired balance increases the risk of falls and subsequent injuries. Impaired balance may be related to numerous factors such as headaches, migraines, vestibular issues or decreased sensation. Physiotherapists are experts in balance retraining and can help reduce the risk of falls and improve confidence with walking and other daily tasks.

Treatment at Total Physiocare can be an invaluable tool in improving headache symptoms, improving your balance and confidence when walking. We take a thorough history of your condition to ascertain your goals and ensure that treatment is directed towards your wants and needs. We work with your treating practitioner, or specialists when required to ensure continuity of care. Once impairments are diagnosed, we deliver treatment that is directed towards your goals; tracking improvements to ensure the most effective treatment is provided.

Rehabilitation with us will be based on your individual presentation and needs, and treatments often include a combination of hands on therapy, strength training and different forms of balance retraining.


Understanding and Managing Elbow Pain


Pain Relief Roadmap: Holistic Physiotherapy Strategies for Effective Management