

Exercise Physiology focuses on how the body responds and adapts to physical activity and exercise. It encompasses the inclusion of various physiological systems and how they interact to support physical performance and health.

Cardiovascular System: Exercise stimulates the heart to pump more blood to the muscles, increasing oxygen delivery and removing waste products. Over time, regular exercise improves cardiovascular function, leading to a stronger heart, lower resting heart rate, and improved blood pressure regulation.

Respiratory System: During exercise, the respiratory system works harder to deliver oxygen to the muscles and remove carbon dioxide. This results in increased breathing rate and depth. Regular exercise enhances lung function, improves oxygen uptake, and enhances respiratory muscle strength.

Musculoskeletal System: Exercise places demands on the muscles, bones, and joints, leading to adaptations such as increased muscle strength, endurance, and bone density. Resistance training, in particular, stimulates muscle growth and improves neuromuscular coordination.

Metabolic System: Exercise influences metabolism, affecting how the body utilizes energy and nutrients. Aerobic exercise enhances fat oxidation and improves insulin sensitivity, while resistance training increases muscle mass and metabolic rate, leading to better overall metabolic health.

Endocrine System: Exercise triggers the release of hormones such as adrenaline, cortisol, and growth hormone, which help regulate energy metabolism, inflammation, and tissue repair. Hormonal responses to exercise vary depending on the type, intensity, and duration of activity.

Our Exercise Physiologists apply their knowledge to various settings, including sports performance, clinical rehabilitation, preventive healthcare, and exercise prescription. They will conduct assessments, design individual exercise programs, and provide guidance to individuals of all ages and fitness levels to optimize performance, improve health outcomes, and enhance quality of life.

  • Angelo Catalano available:

    Mondays 9am-6pm

    Wednesdays 8am-5pm

    Cait Lenaghan available:

    Thursdays 9am-5pm

    Fridays 12.40pm-4pm

  • Angelo Catalano available:

    Tuesdays 10am-7pm

    Thursdays 10am-6pm

  • Cait Lenaghan available:

    Tuesdays 10am-5pm

    Thursdays 9am-5pm

  • Cait Lenaghan available:

    Mondays 9am-5pm