Frankie Mullen

Senior Physiotherapist

Frankie has extensive clinical experience in the field of Musculoskeletal/Orthopaedic and Sports Physiotherapy. Her skills extend to general musculoskeletal conditions, and pre and postsurgical orthopaedic conditions such as joint reconstruction and replacements, and fracture Rehabilitation. Frankie has a special interest in the postoperative physiotherapy for reconstructive orthopaedic procedures, such as leg lengthening.

Frankie has used her wealth of experience in supervising the clinical teaching of both undergraduate and postgraduate Physiotherapy Students, having worked at La Trobe and The University of Melbourne in their Hospital Clinical Placements Units.

Frankie has been involved in numerous research projects. She was a Research Project Physiotherapist for a study conducted through the University of Melbourne during 2010 - 2012. "Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Exercise in OA Knee". She was also actively involved in the Monash University Department of Physiotherapy 2009 "ALIGN Study", which looked specifically at Low Back Pain.

She has published work on shoulder anatomy in the Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. Frankie was also a member of the writing group for the Therapeutic Guidelines – Analgesic.