power hour

Power Hour is an Exercise Physiologist supervised class that provides guidance and and assistance with set-up, technique correction and safe completion of exercises.

Supervised exercise can be beneficial for individuals with various health conditions, as well as those who struggle with form and technique when using gym equipment.

Here are some key considerations for participating in exercise classes with supervision:

  • Safety: Supervision ensures that participants are exercising safely, using correct techniques, and avoiding injury. An Exercise Physiologist can provide guidance on exercise execution and equipment set-up, as well as modify technique to ensure safe completion and minimise risk of injury.

  • Motivation and Accountability: Group exercise classes can provide motivation and accountability, making it more likely for participants to adhere to a regular exercise routine. The presence of an health practitioner and fellow participants can help individuals stay committed to their fitness goals.

  • Social Support: Exercise classes offer an opportunity for social interaction and support, which can be especially beneficial for individuals with health conditions who may benefit from connecting with others facing similar health challenges. Building a sense of community within the class can contribute to overall well-being and enjoyment of exercise.

  • Feedback and Guidance: Exercise Physiologists can provide feedback and guidance during the class to help participants perform exercises correctly and effectively.

It is required to have a pre-prescribed program from your Physiotherapist or Exercise Physiologist, prior to attending this class. Progression or changes to program not provided during classes, supervision and guidance only.

To get started, for class only, book a 102 Exercise Physiology initial consult, to receive a tailored gym program. Only $25 per class.

Alternatively, check out our Gym Membership packages, where the Power Hour and a complimentary Exercise Physiology consult is included in all Gym Memberships.

Available at our Heidelberg and Kew clinics only.