Sports Physio: The Magic of Pre-Hab

Injuries in the sporting community are a tale as old as time. Whether it be contact or not, injuries in the sport are a risk to varying degrees.

Sports Physiotherapists are great at getting you back onto the field or track after injury or surgery, they will provide you with all the right education, strategies, and exercises to get you back to kicking goals - but sometimes, the best exercises are those done before the injury has even occurred!

In Australia, 6 in 10 people will participate in some form of sport or recreational physical activity - and almost 20% of people will find themselves injured, sometimes leading to hospital admission. In fact, sports injuries lead to approximately 12% of hospitalisations in 2022. This as a result means athletes dealing with significant time sidelined and frustrated. 

Sports Physiotherapy plays a pivotal role in preventing injuries in sport, by employing a multifaceted approach that encompasses assessment, education, and targeted interventions.

Our physios will conduct thorough assessments to identify an individual's physical strengths, weaknesses, and specific risk factors (and there’s lots of them, see here for a prime example for hamstring injuries!). This allows for a tailored approach to injury prevention. 

We will also design personalized warm-up and conditioning routines, emphasizing flexibility, strength, and core stability. These programs address muscle imbalances and enhance overall musculoskeletal resilience, reducing the likelihood of injuries during physical activities. All sports are different, and require different skills and capacities, we work to tailor towards these unique differences from athlete to athlete.

Biomechanical analysis is another crucial aspect of injury prevention. Our physiotherapists assess movement patterns to identify any issues that may contribute to injury risk. By addressing faulty mechanics through targeted exercises, they enhance efficiency and decrease the risk of overuse injuries.

Regular injury screenings enable physiotherapists to detect potential problems early on, allowing for proactive intervention. Pre-hab programs are then implemented to strengthen and condition the body, creating a proactive shield against potential injuries.

Preparing the body to withstand great lengths of physical capacity in your chosen sport is crucial to minimize risk. In the unfortunate case an athlete is injured, all of this data and assessment will provide us with a perfect baseline to return you back to pre-injury function. 


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