The Night Wrap: Restore Your Sleep

The Night Wrap is a topical cream treatment designed to alleviate pain and inflammation in conditions affecting tendons. Consult with one of our physiotherapists to determine if the Night Wrap will benefit you.

What you'll need for the Night Wrap:

  • Diclofenac gel (such as Voltaren gel)

  • Hirudoid cream

  • Plastic wrap/cling film

Steps for the Night Wrap:

  1. Preparation: Before bed, massage equal parts of Hirudoid and Diclofenac gel into the painful area for 2-3 minutes until fully absorbed.

  2. Application: Apply a generous amount (approximately the size of a 20-cent piece) of the cream and gel mixture onto the skin, creating a thick layer.

  3. Wrapping: Cover the injured area with plastic wrap/cling film.

  4. Overnight Treatment: Go to bed and let the Night Wrap work while you sleep.

How does the Night Wrap work?

  • The Night Wrap delivers a sustained and high dose of anti-inflammatory medicine directly to the skin.

  • The treatment works for about 8 hours while you sleep, providing continuous relief.

  • Hirudoid cream aids in reducing bruising and swelling around tendons, preventing the formation of fibrin, which can cause swelling and a creaking sensation.

  • The plastic wrap helps retain the medication on the skin, preventing evaporation and ensuring a higher concentration at the injury site.

  • This topical treatment avoids the stomach and liver side effects associated with oral medications.

  • It is most effective for surface-level injuries, as deeper injuries may not experience as much benefit.


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