Unlock Your Golf Potential: TPI Physical Screen Explained

The TPI (Titleist Performance Institute) Physical Screen is a comprehensive assessment conducted by a Total Physiocare physiotherapist, designed to evaluate a golfer's physical abilities and identify limitations that may affect their golf swing.

Overview of the TPI Physical Screen

  • Purpose: To assess physical attributes that can influence golf performance and identify areas that may need improvement.

  • Duration: Approximately 40 minutes.

  • Outcome: A detailed understanding of your physical strengths and limitations related to your golf swing.

Key Components of the Screen

Mobility Tests:

  • Overhead Deep Squat: Assesses overall body mobility and stability, particularly in the hips, knees, and ankles.

  • Shoulder Mobility: Evaluates the range of motion in the shoulders, which is critical for a full and efficient golf swing.

  • Thoracic Spine Rotation: Measures the rotational capability of the upper back, essential for the backswing and follow-through.

Stability and Balance Tests:

  • Single Leg Balance: Tests your ability to maintain balance on one leg, which is important for a stable golf stance and weight transfer.

  • Pelvic Tilt Test: Checks for the ability to control pelvic movement, which can affect swing mechanics and power generation.

Strength and Coordination Tests:

  • Glute Bridge: Assesses the strength and activation of the gluteal muscles, crucial for lower body stability and power.

  • Seated Rotation: Measures rotational strength and control, important for a controlled and powerful swing.

What to Expect During the Screen

  • Initial Consultation: Brief discussion about your golf game, any physical issues, and goals.

  • Physical Tests: Series of movements and positions designed to test different aspects of your physical capabilities.

  • Feedback: Immediate feedback on what the tests reveal about your physical condition related to your golf swing.

Benefits of the TPI Physical Screen

  • Customised Exercise Plan: Based on the results, you will receive a tailored exercise program to address any deficiencies.

  • Improved Performance: By working on identified areas, you can improve your swing mechanics and overall golf performance.

  • Injury Prevention: Identifying and correcting physical limitations can help prevent injuries related to golfing.

By participating in the TPI Physical Screen untaken by a Total Physiocare Physiotherpist, you are taking a proactive step towards optimising your golf performance and maintaining your physical health on the course.


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