Get Ahead of Recovery: The Prehab Advantage

Most people know about the benefits of rehabilitation following an injury or surgery however not many know about the benefits of PREHABILTATION. 

What is it? 

Prehab is the work that you put in before surgery. If you have an upcoming procedure i.e total hip replacement, ACL reconstruction or lumbar surgery. Prehab involves strengthening and preparing the body for the operation, this can be done at a gym, pool or at home. 

How does it help? 

The better condition you can get in before the surgery, the better the outcomes are post-surgery. There is a lot of research now showing the significant benefits you can achieve from strengthening an area before an operation. It can help to improve recovery, reduce the risk of post op complications and get you back to what you love doing quicker. 

What does it involve? 

Prehab is tailored towards each person's individual goal and procedure. For example, a total knee replacement will have you focusing on strengthening the knee, hip, core and lower leg. This could involve activity/sport specific exercises and generalised strengthening. 

I have personally seen huge differences in post-surgical outcomes in people that have committed to prehabilitation. They spend less time in the hospital, start walking sooner and get back to a sense of normality much faster. I definitely recommend learning more about the benefits of this. 

How do I do it? 

Book in with one of our physios or exercise physiologists for an initial assessment. They can help cater an exercise regime to your individual needs and prepare your body for the upcoming procedure. 


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