
Physiotherapy from the comfort of your own home!

Our doors are still open, but if you can't come to us we can come to you through Telehealth, our new Physio Online service.
This allows all clients to continue treatment with their Physio of choice, and stay on the road to recovery.

Now Includes live video group classes! 10am & 6pm daily!
Book now! 9457 7474

Also check out our FREE ONLINE VIDEO HUB for more great resources to help keep you on track!

Even before the impact of COVID-19, there has been a growing consumer demand for access to video-consultation services provided by physiotherapists.

There is now evidence that shows video consultations are cost effective, safe and well-received by patients – especially by those living in rural and remote areas, or who have other forms of access issues due to age or disability.

Unfortunately, not all private health insurers provide a rebate for physiotherapy services currently delivered via video consultation, but this is likely to change with growing pressure especially in response to COVID-19.

We can offer you a consultation to suit your situation, and given the impact the COVID-19 virus is having on people, we are discounting our standard fees for Physio Online appointments to ensure our clients don’t fall behind in their treatment.

Heidelberg | Reservoir | Kew | Footscray